Ring $R_{ 148 }$

Ram's Ore extension ring


Let $S = \mathbb Q[\ldots, x_{-1}, x_0, x_1, \ldots]$, $I = ( \{ x_k x_{k + a} x_{k + 2a}: k \in \Bbb Z, a \in \Bbb Z \setminus \{0\} \} )$ an ideal of $S$, and $\sigma$ the $\mathbb Q$-automorphism of $S$ such that $\sigma(x_i) = x_{i + 1}$ for all $i$. Then, $\sigma$ induces a $\mathbb Q$-automorphism of $T = S/I$. ($T$ is $R_{158}$) The required ring is the skew polynomial ring $R=T[x; \sigma]$.

Keywords Ore extension twisted (skew) polynomial ring


  • G. Marks. On 2-primal Ore extensions. (2001) @ Example 2.2
  • G. Marks. Skew polynomial rings over 2-primal rings. (1999) @ Example 2.1
  • J. Ram. On the semisimplicity of skew polynomial rings. (1984) @ Example 3.2

  • = has the property
  • = does not have the property
  • = information not in database

(Nothing was retrieved.)

Name Description
Idempotents $\{0,1\}$
Left socle $\{0\}$
prime radical $\{0\}$
Right socle $\{0\}$