This is the comprehensive list of ring properties in the database.
Name | Definition | % Complete |
$\pi$-regular |
For all $a$ in $R$ there exists an $x\in R$ and a natural number $n$ such that $(a^n)x(a^n)=a^n$ |
$h$-local domain |
A commutative domain $R$ for which every nontrivial ideal is contained in finitely many maximal ideals, and every nonzero prime is contained in a unique maximal ideal |
$I_0$ |
Every right ideal not contained in $J(R)$ contains a nonzero idempotent. Also known as: semipotent. |
2-primal |
All minimal prime ideals are completely prime |
?-ring |
$R$ is 1) arithmetical; 2) has a unique, nonzero, minimal prime ideal $P$ that is uniserial as an $R$ module; 3) $R/P$ is an h-local domain; 4)$R$ is not local |
Abelian |
All idempotents are central |
ACC annihilator |
Ascending chain condition on right annihilators=Descending chain condition on left annihilators |
ACC principal |
Ascending chain condition on principal right ideals |
algebraically closed field |
Every nonconstant polynomial over the field has a root in the field |
almost Dedekind domain |
A commutative integral domain whose localizations at maximal ideals are all discrete valuation rings, or a field |
almost maximal domain |
$R$ is an integral domain, is $h$-local, and the localization at each maximal ideal is an almost maximal valuation ring. In Brandal, Willy. "Almost maximal integral domains and finitely generated modules." Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 183 (1973): 203-222. Theorem 2.9 this is shown to be equivalent to "almost maximal ring + domain") |
almost maximal ring |
$R/I$ is a maximal ring for every nonzero ideal $I$ |
almost maximal valuation ring |
$R$ is a commutative uniserial ring such that for every nonzero ideal $I$, the quotient $R/I$ is a maximal valuation ring. |
analytically normal |
a local ring whose completion is a normal ring |
analytically unramified |
a local ring whose completion is reduced |
anti-automorphic |
There exists an anti-isomorphism of $R$ into itself. |
Archimedean field |
an ordered field such that for every $x$ there exists an integer $n>x$. |
arithmetical |
$R$ is commutative and the localization at each maximal ideal is a uniserial ring. (This is known to be equivalent to $R$ being a commutative distributive ring.) |
Armendariz |
$R$ is called Armendariz if whenever $(\sum a_ix^i)(\sum b_jx^j)=0\in R[x]$, then $a_ib_j=0$ for all combinations of $i,j$. |
Artinian |
Right Artinian (resp. left Artinian) Descending chain condition on right (resp. left) ideals. |
atomic domain |
A domain in which nonzero nonunits can be written as a finite product of irreducible elements. |
Baer |
For any subset $X$ of $R$, the right annihilator of $X$ is a summand of $R$ |
Bezout |
Finitely generated right ideals are cyclic |
Bezout domain |
Right Bezout domain |
Boolean |
For every $x\in R$, $x^2=x$. |
catenary |
A commutative ring is called catenary if there exists an $n$ such that any chain of prime ideals can be refined to a maximal chain of prime ideals with length $n$. |
characteristic 0 field |
The sum of any positive number of 1's is always nonzero. |
clean |
Every element is the sum of a unit and an idempotent |
cogenerator ring |
The ring cogenerates its category of right modules |
Cohen-Macaulay |
Noetherian ring whose localizations at primes all have depth equal to their Krull dimension |
coherent |
Every finitely generated right ideal is finitely presented |
cohopfian |
For every $x$ with right annihilator zero, $x$ is a unit |
commutative |
$xy=yx$ for all $x$ and $y$ in the ring |
complete discrete valuation ring |
$R$ is a valuation ring and it is complete with respect to the metric furnished by its valuation |
complete local |
$R$ is a commutative local ring in which the canonical map into the completion at the maximal ideal is an isomorphism. |
compressible |
Given any idempotent $e\in R$, we have $Z(eRe)=eZ(R)e$. ($Z(-)$ denotes the center of the ring.) (See Berberian's Baer and Baer * Rings, definition 3.29) |
continuous |
$R$ is right CS, and any right ideal isomorphic to a direct summand of $R$ is itself a summand. |
countable |
The underlying set of the ring is countable. |
CS |
"Complements are Summands": Every nonzero right ideal is essential in a direct summand of $R_R$. |
DCC annihilator |
Descending chain condition on right annihilators=Ascending chain condition on left annihilators |
Dedekind domain |
A domain whose ideals are projective modules |
Dedekind finite |
For all $x,y\in R$, $xy=1$ implies $yx=1$. Also known as: directly finite, von Neumann finite |
directly irreducible |
The only central idempotents are $0$ and $1$. Also known as: connected (especially for commutative rings) |
discrete valuation ring |
$R$ is a valuation ring with value group isomorphic to $(\mathbb Z,+)$ |
distributive |
Lattice of right ideals is a distributive lattice |
division ring |
All nonzero elements are units. Also known as: skew-fields, sfields |
domain |
No nonzero zero divisors. Also known as: entire rings (mainly for commutative domains) |
dual |
For every right ideal $B$, $r.ann(l.ann(B))=B$ |
duo |
All right ideals are two-sided ideals |
essential socle |
Essential right socle |
Euclidean domain |
A domain which has a Euclidean valuation |
Euclidean field |
An ordered field for which every positive element is the square of another element |
excellent |
$R$ is quasi-excellent and universally catenary |
exchange |
If $a+b=1$, there exists $r$ and $s$ such that $ar$ and $bs$ are idempotents and $ar+bs=1$ |
"Finitely Generated are Cyclic": A commutative ring for which every finitely generated module is a direct sum of cyclic modules. |
FI-injective |
If $T$ is a right ideal of $R$, and $f:T\to R$ such that f(T) is finitely generated, then $f$ can be extended to $R\to R$ |
field |
A commutative division ring |
finite |
$R$ has only finitely many elements |
finite uniform dimension |
$R$ has finite uniform dimension as a right $R$ module |
finitely cogenerated |
The ring is finitely cogenerated as a right module |
finitely generated socle |
Finitely generated right socle |
finitely pseudo-Frobenius |
Every finitely generated faithful right module is a generator for the category of $R$ modules |
free ideal ring |
All right ideals are free modules and of unique rank |
Frobenius |
$R$ is quasi-Frobenius and the right socle is isomorphic to $R/J(R)$ |
fully prime |
all proper ideals are prime |
fully semiprime |
all proper ideals are semiprime |
GCD domain |
A domain having a gcd for every pair of elements |
Goldie |
$R$ has finite right uniform dimension and ACC on right annihilators |
Goldman domain |
$R$ is a commutative domain with field of fractions $K$, and $K=R[u^{-1}]$ for some nonzero $u\in R$. Equivalently: $K$ is finitely generated as a ring over $R$; Equivalently: There is a nonzero $u\in R$ contained in all nonzero prime ideals of $R$ |
Gorenstein |
Noetherian ring whose localizations at primes all are Noetherian and have finite injective dimension |
Grothendieck |
Noetherian and its formal fibers are geometrically regular |
Henselian local |
A commutative local ring in which Hensel's Lemma holds. (For any monic polynomial $p$ in $R[x]$, all factorizations in $(R/M)[x]$ into a product of coprime monic polynomials lift to factorizations in $R[x]$.) |
hereditary |
All right ideals are projective |
(Invariant Basis Number) If $R^n$ is isomorphic to $R^m$, then $n=m$ |
IC ring |
"Internal Cancellation": If $A\oplus B=R$ and $A'\oplus B'=R$ are two decompositions of $R$ into right ideals, and if $A\cong A'$, then also $B\cong B'$. (This condition turns out to be left-right symmetric.) |
Ikeda-Nakayama |
The left annihilator of the intersection of two right ideals, is the sum of their left annihilators |
involutive |
There exists an anti-automorphism $\tau:R\to R$ such that $\tau^2$ is the identity map on $R$. |
J-0 |
the set of regular points of the spectrum contains a non-empty open subset |
J-1 |
the set of regular points of the spectrum is an open subset |
J-2 |
for every finitely generated $R$-algebra $S$, the singular points of $Spec(S)$ form a closed subset. |
Jacobson |
Prime ideals are intersections of maximal ideals. Also known as: Hilbert rings |
Kasch |
Every simple right module is isomorphic to a minimal right ideal of $R$ |
Krull domain |
Three conditions must hold: 1) localizations at height 1 primes are all discrete valuation rings; 2) $R$ is the intersection of those valuation rings in its field of fractions; 3) Each nonzero element of $R$ is contained in only finitely many height 1 primes. |
lift/rad |
Idempotents of $R/J(R)$ lift to idempotents in R |
linearly compact |
A ring is right linearly compact if $R_R$ is linearly compact as a module. That is, every finitely-solvable system of congruences using right ideals is solvable. |
local |
$R/J(R)$ is a division ring |
local complete intersection |
Noetherian local ring whose completion is the quotient of a regular local ring by an ideal generated by a regular sequence |
max ring |
(right max ring) A ring $R$ is called a right max ring if every nonzero right $R$ module has a maximal submodule. Also known as: "right $B$-ring" by Faith; "ring satisfying condition H on the right" by several French authors. |
maximal ring |
$R$ is commutative and linearly compact |
maximal valuation ring |
$R$ is a commutative uniserial ring such that every system of congruences $x \equiv r_{\lambda } \mbox{mod} {\mathfrak {b}}_{\lambda } (\lambda \in \Lambda )$ which is pairwise soluable has a simultaneous solution in $R$. |
McCoy |
A ring $R$ is called right McCoy if when $f,g\in R[x]\setminus \{0\}$ satisfy $fg=0$, then there exists a nonzero $r\in R$ such that $fr=0$. |
Mori domain |
A domain satisfying the ACC on integral divisorial ideals |
N-1 |
A domain $R$ whose integral closure in its quotient field is a finitely generated $R$ module. |
N-2 |
A domain $R$ such that for every finite extension $L$ of its quotient field $K$, the integral closure of $R$ in $L$ is a finitely generated A-module. Also known as "Japanese rings" |
Nagata |
Noetherian and universally Japanese |
NI ring |
"Nilpotents form an Ideal": The set of nilpotent elements in $R$ forms an ideal. |
nil radical |
Has nil Jacobson radical |
nilpotent radical |
Has nilpotent Jacobson radical |
Noetherian |
Ascending chain condition on right ideals |
nonsingular |
The right singular ideal is zero |
nonzero socle |
Nonzero right socle |
normal |
Ring whose localizations at primes all are normal domains |
normal domain |
domain that is integrally closed in its field of fractions |
ordered field |
the field is totally ordered with an order compatible with the ring operations |
Ore domain |
Domain satisfying right Ore condition |
Ore ring |
Satisfies right Ore conditions |
orthogonally finite |
families of orthogonal idempotents are all finite |
PCI ring |
(right PCI ring) "Proper Cyclics are Injective": The proper right cyclic modules of $R$ (defined as the quotients not isomorphic to $R_R$) are injective $R$-modules. |
perfect |
$R$ is semilocal and $J(R)$ is right T-nilpotent |
perfect field |
A field over which every irreducible polynomial has distinct roots. |
periodic |
For every element $x\in R$, there exists a natural number $n_x> 1$ such that $x^{n_x}=x$. |
polynomial identity |
There exists an element $P$ of $\mathbb Z\langle x_1,\ldots x_n\rangle$ which has at least one coefficient $1$ and for which any set of $n$ ring elements $\{r_1,\ldots,r_n\}$ satisfies $P(r_1,\ldots, r_n)=0$. |
potent |
The ring is $I_0$ and lift/rad |
primary |
$R$ semiprimary and $R/J(R)$ simple |
prime |
The product of nonzero right ideals is nonzero |
primitive |
There exists a faithful simple right $R$ module |
principal ideal domain |
Domain which is a principal right ideal ring |
principal ideal ring |
All right ideals are cyclic |
principally injective |
homomorphisms from principal right ideals of the ring into the ring extend to endomorphisms of the ring |
Prufer domain |
A domain whose finitely generated ideals are projective modules |
pseudo-Frobenius |
$R$ is right self-injective and finitely cogenerated as a right module |
Pythagorean field |
The sum of two squares is a square |
quadratically closed field |
Every element is a square of another element |
quasi-continuous |
$R$ is right CS, and if $e,f$ are idempotents with $eR\cap fR=\{0\}$, then $eR\oplus fR$ is a summand of $R$. |
quasi-duo |
maximal right ideals are two-sided |
quasi-excellent |
$R$ is Grothendieck and J-2 |
quasi-Frobenius |
Noetherian and self-injective |
rad-nil |
$Nil(R)=J(R)$ |
reduced |
No nonzero nilpotent elements |
regular |
Noetherian ring whose localizations at primes are regular local rings |
regular local |
Noetherian local ring where the minimal number of generators for the maximal ideal is equal to its Krull dimension |
reversible |
$ab=0$ implies $ba=0$ |
Rickart |
For any $x$ in $R$, the right annihilator of $x$ is a summand of $R$. Also known as: principally projective (p.p.) rings. |
Schreier domain |
normal domain in which every element is primal |
self-injective |
$R$ is injective as a right module |
semi free ideal ring |
All finitely generate right ideals are free and of unique rank |
semi-Artinian |
$R$ is right semi-Artinian if every nonzero quotient of $R_R$ contains a minimal submodule. (Equivalently, every nonzero quotient has an essential socle.) |
semi-Noetherian |
$R$ is right semi-Noetherian if every nonzero submodule of $R_R$ has a maximal submodule |
semicommutative |
$ab=0$ implies $aRb=\{0\}$ for all $a,b\in R$. Also known as: SI condition, zero-insertive rings. |
semihereditary |
All finitely generated right ideals are projective |
semilocal |
$R/J(R)$ is Artinian |
semiperfect |
$R$ is semilocal and lift/rad |
semiprimary |
$R$ is semilocal and $J(R)$ is nilpotent |
semiprime |
No nonzero nilpotent right ideals |
semiprimitive |
Jacobson radical zero. Also known as: Jacobson semisimple/J-semisimple |
semiregular |
$R$ is lift/rad and $R/J(R)$ is von Neumann regular |
semisimple |
semiprimitive and Artinian. Also known as: Wedderburn ring |
serial |
$R$ is a direct sum of right ideals whose submodules are linearly ordered |
simple |
Only ideals are the two trivial ideals |
simple Artinian |
$R$ is simple and Artinian |
simple socle |
The right socle is a minimal right ideal |
simple-injective |
If $T$ is a right ideal of $R$, and $f:T\to R$ such that $f(T)$ is simple, then $f$ can be extended to $R\to R$ |
stable range 1 |
If $xa+b=1$, there is a $y$ such that $a+yb$ is a unit |
stably finite |
Every matrix ring of $R$ is Dedekind finite |
strongly $\pi$-regular |
For all $x\in R$, $xR\supseteq x^2R\supseteq x^3R\supseteq \ldots$ terminates |
strongly connected |
The only idempotents are 0 and 1 |
strongly regular |
von Neumann regular and reduced |
symmetric |
$abc=0$ implies $acb=0$ |
T-nilpotent radical |
Has right T-nilpotent Jacobson radical. Recall a nonempty subset $S$ of $R$ is right T-nilpotent if, for every sequence $\{r_i\mid i\in\mathbb N\}\subseteq S$, there exists an $n$ such that $r_nr_{n-1}\cdots r_0=0$. (The sequence of products is reversed for left T-nilpotent.) |
top regular |
$R/J(R)$ von Neumann regular |
top simple |
$R/J(R)$ simple |
top simple Artinian |
$R/J(R)$ simple Artinian |
torch |
$R$ is a commutative ring meeting these conditions: 1) $R$ is not local; 2) $R$ has a unique minimal prime $P$ which is a nonzero uniserial module; 3) $R/P$ is an $h$-local domain; 4) $R$ is Bezout; 5) The localization $R_M$ is an almost maximal valuation ring for every maximal ideal $M$. (Stronger than the definition given by Vámos.) |
UGP ring |
"Unique Generator Property": For all $a,b\in R$, $aR=bR$ implies $a=bu$ for a unit $u\in R$. |
uniform |
All nonzero right ideals essential |
unique factorization domain |
A domain in which every nonzero nonunit is a product of irreducible elements, unique up to equivalence |
uniserial domain |
$R$ is a domain whose right ideals are linearly ordered. |
uniserial ring |
The right ideals of $R$ are linearly ordered. Also known as: right chain ring, right valuation ring |
unit regular |
For every $x$, there exists a unit $u$ such that $x=xux$ |
universally catenary |
All finitely generated algebras over $R$ are catenary |
universally Japanese |
every finitely generated integral domain over $R$ is Japanese |
V ring |
"Villamayor ring": The Jacobson radical of every right module is zero |
valuation domain |
A commutative integral domain whose ideals are linearly ordered. (In some places also called a "valuation ring") |
valuation ring |
A commutative ring whose ideals are linearly ordered (not necessarily a domain.) |
von Neumann regular |
For every $x$, there exists $y$ such that $x=xyx$ |
weakly clean |
For all $a\in R$, there exists a unit $u$ and idempotent $e$ such that $a-e-u\in (1-e)Ra$. This is left-right symmetric. |
Zorn |
$R$ is $I_0$ and $J(R)$ is a nil ideal |