Property: strongly connected
Definition: The only idempotents are 0 and 1
(No citations retrieved.)
This property has the following metaproperties
- passes to $eRe$ for any idempotent $e$
- passes to $eRe$ for any full idempotent $e$
- passes to subrings
- passes to the center
This property
does not have the following metaproperties
- passes to quotient rings
(Counterexample: $R_{ 119 }$ is a homomorphic image of $R_{ 165 }$)
- passes to matrix rings
(Counterexample: $R_{ 12 }$ is a matrix ring of $R_{ 2 }$)
- Morita invariant
(Counterexample: $R_{ 197 }$ is Morita equivalent to $R_{ 196 }$)
- stable under finite products
(Counterexample: $R_{ 9 }$)
- stable under products
(Counterexample: $R_{ 52 }$)
- forms an equational class
(counterexample needed)